Boat Maintenance, Service and Storage in Ellös Sweden

Refit: We conduct full renovation projects, we are dedicated to personal details so your boat will be adapted to your needs.
Maintenance: Thanks to a complete network of professionals from Orust we can get everything fixed or replaced.
Accessories: Any parts or accessories you purchase from Hallberg Rassy Parts located right here on Orust, you can call us for quick professional help fitting and installing to help you on your way.

Our service range includes almost everything that can be done on a cruising boat.
We specialize in refurbishing, maintenance, and refit.
Our team of professionals include: Sails, rigging, canvas, teak laying, electronics, plumbing, textiles, water makers, GRP, gel coat work, interior LED lighting and of course engines and generators.
After decades of experience at Hallberg-Rassy's yard on Orust we are of course specialists where these yachts are concerned, but we accept any other makes – everything is treated with the same care and attention to detail.
Important issues that are regularly found by Adams Boat Care
The safety check made by Adams Boat Care is rigorous. Some issues are found on repeated boats and are so important and critical that you might want to check them yourself as well.
When customers hand over their Hallberg-Rassy boats to Adams Boat Care, there is a rigorous safety check made. Some issues are found on boats repeatedly and are so important and critical that you might want to check them yourself as well. That’s why we post this here. boatrefit
The Bottom Plug
How many of you do open this plug annually in order to drain the bilge and to inspect the plug? There are two types of plugs that have been used by HR, the hollow and the massive type. The best and easiest way to find out is to open it up next time you haul out your HR. To buy a new one costs close to nothing and can be sent by post to you by Adams Boat Care.
The problem is that some older types of bottom plugs Hallberg-Rassy used is that the plug was hollow and not filled with brass/bronze. Anyway, if you stick in the screw driver to turn the plug, it regularly happens that there is so little material left in the bottom plug that the screwdriver goes all through the plug! In some cases the boat is possibly still only floating thanks to the bottom paint covering the plug!
Adams Boat Care would like to remind and encourage you to check your bottom plug!

The botom plug from a HR31 from 1996 recently handed in to Adams Boat Care. The screwdriver just went through the little material there was left

The two types of bottom plugs: The hollow type where the screwdriver went all through and the new, massive type. If you have the hollow type, you should immediately change it to the massive type!
Bottom Plug
The Exhaust Elbow
Everyone knows to check the exit of the cooling water from the exhaust when turning on the engine. It is standard practice to listen for the water to splash into the sea in order to make sure that the engine is being cooled. If not, you hear a very hollow sound and just brown/white smoke is coming out of the exhaust. The immediate action should be to turn off the engine and find the fault, why no water is coming.
If water is exiting the boat via the exhaust it is assumed that it will continue to do so during the motoring period, but it is not forbidden to keep en ear on the water exiting during motoring as well. It might be difficult to hear due to waves splashing around, not to mention the engine noise. Luckily, engine noise is very low on a HR, but the center cockpit puts us into a position quite distant from the exhaust, so we can’t always hear it while motoring.
When no water is exiting the boat, we often assume that it must be the impeller. And it often is. To have a spare impeller goes without saying. An additional good safety issue is to upgrade the lid of the impeller housing to a SpeedSeal Life. This will prevent the impeller to break in first place, but if it does, it is very easy to check and replace the impeller very easily by hand (no screwdriver! no dropping screws under the engine!). The “Life” variety also has a Teflon ring that allows the impeller to go dry for a significant number of minutes without destroying the impeller as such. Just don’t forget to service the SpeedSeal Life using their service kit every 600 engine hours. Boats should come delivered with a SpeedSeal as standard!
If it is not the impeller, it could be the fact that the raw water strainer is leaking air. Have you recently checked and cleaned the raw water strainer, not closing the lid properly? Air can then be sucked into the strainer and the impeller has difficulties to pump water and sucks air instead. The standard Volvo strainer (black and with a copper pipe inside that corrodes) should be replaced by the transparent equivalent by Vetus with no corrosive parts inside and easily inspectable from the outside.
There could be another reason, however, why there is no cooling water exiting the boat. How about the exit? After some years and engine hours, especially in corrosive environment, such as sailing in a warm salty sea, the exhaust elbow on the engine corrodes from the inside. This is not visible from the outside. You will see shiny green looking at it, but it could be nasty from the inside! Inevitably it will look worse and worse over the years, finally blocking the entire exit like a heart attack. Before this happens, one should regularly dismantle the exhaust elbow and inspect it from the inside. By this, you also have the chance to check the turbo, especially if you dismantle the air filter on the opposite side. With a finger, you can check if it is turning freely or if it begins to cease due to carbon build-up. The carbon build-up is due to running the engine in too low revs, e.g. when using the Gori-propeller in overdrive over lengthy periods, but this is another issue…
See below photo of an elbow partly clogged preventing the water to flow freely. It didn’t need much and this engine did not get any cooling water at all any longer.

Some exterior and interior photos of Adams Boat Care. Click to enlarge.

Coming in late fall for refit

Rig job

The carpentry section

The varnishing dept.

The old deck removed


A truly professionally refurbished hardtop

A final touch

A vacuum glued deck

Carl Adams is checking the vacuum

The vacuum has to be constant

A professionally laid teak deck

We do the dirty work for you